Thursday, February 9, 2012

Things Happen Because of Reasons

Voltaire's Candide targets mostly the way of living during the Enlightenment, such as feudalism and the illogical wars, but many of its critiques can be seen in the present world. Pangloss, for example, is portrayed as a great philosopher, but his ideas have no corroboration. Voltaire mocks his "metaphysico-theologo-cosmolo-nigology” as he says all things have been made for a purpose, such as legs, stones, pigs, among others. The philosopher even thinks that it was worth getting infected with syphilis because if it wasn't for Europeans to have gone to America and getting syphilis, they wouldn't have chocolate. He also says that an earthquake not only happens because of the sulphur but also that it is for the best. Other illogical things happen in the book, like accusations to make a war and religious agitations. People laugh while reading this, so Voltaire is a great satirist.
Maybe we think that these are stupid things that don't happen anymore, but these problems still exist and we're not laughing about it. Voltaire covers these problems with satire but in real life you don't get news edited into making people realize how illogical some conflicts are. People get discriminated because of their religion, religion causes people to attack others. People are accused as traitors in wars and required to fight. There's a lot of people who might not be philosophers like Pangloss but they have irrational ideas, like racism, homophobia, or xenophobia. The image below says, "observe that noses were made to wear spectacles," well now, observe that some people are simple inferior because they are. Life would be much more interesting if we satirized it all the time for it to look like Voltaire showed it, as the world has a lot of illogical ideas with a huge potential of satire. 

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